Sunday, December 5, 2010

Manhattan CAT 580 (q43v26) Veritas prep 660 (q47v37)

I did two CAT during weekends. In Sunday i did 580 (q43, v26) in Manhattan CAT and in Sunday I did 660 (q47v37) in Veritas CAT. 

In manhattan math part I did  19 mistakes. In verbal one 21. I did  in Manhattan very bad because in room in which i took  exam were a lot of people, who  turned on the music and i shouted them to turn it off all the time. Therefore I can not concentrate at all. So I am not worry.

Veritas test was more easy.  In Math part of  Veritas CAT i did 7 mistakes, and in verbal part 11 ones. As for me Manhattan test is more better then Veritas, because one half on veritas questions are copied form OG and very little changed. But I recognized them so knew right ansver. In last i can not understand why having (q47v37) i got only 660 not 680?  if you type (q47v37) in google you see 680 or 690. So algorithm in Veritas test is questionable. But its software is more better then that in Manhattan one.

It is fine than i've already do not have problem with time in verbal part of test. I finished V part of Manhetten test as well as that of Veritas ~10 minutes before time've been over.


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