Wednesday, June 2, 2010

about Beat the GMAT, and LSAT questions

As for mе great value of Beat the GMAT is not only useful information, but also amusing people who visit this site. Failing my first attempt in GMAT, I left in forum post about this. Tell the trues I left that post not because I believed that people recommended me something new method of preparation, only one way to improve my score is to study, study and study, but because I want to share my emotion with another people.

After this post I receive 2 private messages and 3 email from people who propose their help and advise in preparation. Surely they become my new virtual (still) friend. And from them I receive relay useful advice, and aspiration.

about my study:

Solving LSAT questions definitely improves my verbal skills, especially reading comprehension. Yesterday I solved 3 texts and made in them only 3 mistake. In one of the texts I did not do any mistake! But my score in logical reasoning became worse. When I began to use LSAT, I solved right 50% of questions, but today I did right only 44%. May be it occurs because I am very exhausted now.

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