Saturday, May 22, 2010

Plan for improving my verbal skills

gmat_perfect from Beat the GMAT recommended me to practice LSAT questions and I think is really effective way for preparation.

Firstly, from 22.05 to 7.07 I will solve all 40 LSAT tests and read answers from Kaplan. Every week I will take 5 LSAT tests and read explanations for them.

Secondary, I will spend every day 40 minutes on listening to the radio broadcast from BBC, because I will take not only GMAT, but also TOEFL. And listening section is my weak side.

Thirdly, I will read English fiction every day during a hour. I always read books in subway, while going to work. (now I read Oscar Wild’s novel Picture of Dorian Gray. It is wonderful book. Before it I read Ernest Hemingway’s novel a Farewell to Arms. Tell the true I can not understand why this book is such well-known. This novel could be named as a Farewell to Boose. If woman drinks every day during pregnancy, she will definitely have problem during childbearing. In my opinion the best Hemingway’s novella is The Old Man and the Sea that i read in Russian. )

Fourthly I will write two essays every week. After 7.07 I will check my verbal skills and write new plan of preparation.

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